Wednesday, January 20, 2010

2010 - Dobbshead Plus Jobshead?

I just felt the need to post this
wedding of the iconography of the
Sugenius and the Sublime...

Monday, January 5, 2009


A proper greeting should also go out to Discordians everywhere and nowhere, since the undercurrents of chaos and the Goddess Eris Herself are felt by all. 23 Skidoo!


I'd like to dedicate this first post, or maybe the whole damn blog, (what the hell, why not life itself), to J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, without whom there would be no slack. Without slack, there would definitely be no internet, and therefore no blogs, blogging, or bloggers, so thanks are in order. It occurs to me that the trademark or copyright or whatever on the sacred image of the Dobbshead probably belongs to The Church Of The Subgenius, if not to Dobbs himself. Give them credit. Or don't. Someone might have the rights, but a little bit of "Bob" belongs to all of us...